Wednesday, August 17, 2011


i was watching a report on GMA this morning and some man reportedly suffered a very traumatizing experience and had a history of emotional problems. this sounds like me only he got amnesia and i didnt. i have come to the conclusion that i would really really really like to forget. i have thought over the consequences and what it means to everyone around me but i just want to forget. is there a way to forget purposely? i hate what goes on in my mind. does anyone know of any methods that can do this? a way to self-induce amnesia?

I need some help (anxiety and depression) =(?

ive been on anti-depressants for about 3 months., tonight ive been feelin really depressed.. the last few days ive been havin suicidal thoughts.. ive imagined hanging myself just outside my room on my balcony. Ive suffered from really bad anxiety for the last 5 and a half years and it keeps going away and coming back, im worried it has come back tonight and i really dont want to deal with the pain again. Im at a breaking point :(.. plz help me im on the brink of tears and have been like this for the last 5 hours.

Why is my potted zucchini wilting?

You may be overwatering...don't water unless the soil is starting to feel dry...don't just water to water. Try transplanting it into a larger pot and while doing that see what the root system looks like. You should see nice, healthy white roots. Be sure the current or new pot is draining properly too. One warning on growing zucchini in pots: They get HUGE!! In my garden, a single plant can easily be three to four feet wide! You will need a very large pot to support that big of a plant and so it doesn't dry out on you too quickly.

Would you get into a relationship with this type of guy?

There is this guy I like, who is kind, intelligent, and a likeable person in general to his peers. However, he has many of his own issues to deal with, like a pessimistic view on life and people, and family problems. He is depressed most of the time and very cynical. Would you ever consider dating or getting into a relationship with this type of guy, with so many issues of his own?

Whats the best type of pot or bowl to use to cook a stew in? Thanks?

I use a crock pot to cook my meat......slow cooking produces the most tender meat. If cooking in the oven, I use an enamel coated cast iron dutch oven and slowly cook the stew for 3 /12 - 4 hours.

Will my eyebrows grow back?

I plucked my eyebrows pretty thin (well thin for me, i have pretty thick eyebrows) about a month ago, and my eyebrows still aren't all the way grown back. and the worst part is that i have banquet in 2 weeks and my eyebrows look horrible! they sort of grew back in patches. is this normal? and what do you recommend doing to make them look thicker for my athletics banquet?

What happened to My Chemical Romance?

No, I'm not trying to be mean and don't shoot me for not knowing (to the MCR fans). I'm just curious. They haven't been mainstream for a long, long time! I miss them, because I actually think the singles they released were AMAZING.