Sunday, August 7, 2011

How do I heal my knee in 1 NIGHT?

Ok so I was in athletics and we were using these blue boxes and were stacking them on top of each other and jumping over them like hurdles and if you did not want to you could leap frog over them so I leap frogged over the last one and my hands went underneath my body and I totally face planted and banged up my knee. I cannot move it and I feel LOTS of liquidy stuff in my knee and I cannot even step on or off my bus and I'm so afraid to go to school because I don't want to be late, and I don't want to do anything in athletics and my mom said maybe TOMORROW AFTER my school I may go to the doc but that is to late. So what is the easiest way to heal my knee quickly and go on with my life. And how do I survive school tomorrow when I go as slow as a snail and it also takes me like 10 minutes to go across my kitchen floor.

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