Friday, August 12, 2011

How do I overcome addiction?

I have been severly addicted to for the past several years and frankly it has ruined my life. It started when I got my own apartment and got a fast internet setup. I started with just pics, looking and masturbating for a few hours, & then for several hours. In college when I was 19 I sat in my dorm and masturbated to net for 10 hours straight one time when my roommate was out all night. I have developed es and I'm so addicted that I haven't been able to go more than 2 wks w/out masturbating to in the past 5 years! Now, it's so intense and worse that when I think of naked women/ I start to get a brain haze that makes my head ache - not in an "I need Tylenol" way but in an "I am so weak" way and can't think straight. Please, I need some advice. I don't even approach women anymore and I act funy around people, lost job, lost all friends, and I'm suicidal. I need to quit but it's the most difficult thing I have ever tried to resolve. I need help someone! Seriously.

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