Friday, August 12, 2011

My dog is 1 year old and she doesn't love me no more help!!?

hiya i have a 1 year old lab cross collie i hand reared her from birth and have been just like a suragot mum to her for a year she sleeps with me we have snuggles every night lay on the sofa together and cuddle dog show you name it we do it together she was always at my side for a year but now all of a sudden she wont come near me when i call her she goes to my mum or my sister in law or who ever's in the room with me she wont come and give me cuddles no more if my mum is on the sofa she'll have a snuggle and then i get on the sofa and my dog gets off at night she opens my door to go and sleep with my mum its so upsetting for me because she is just like my little baby and i feel i've done something wrong why is she like this now??

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