Saturday, August 13, 2011

Should i break up with him?

My boyfriend is really trippin. He doesnt want me hanging out with my guy friends and when I asked him why, he said "I dont trust niggss" && im like what does that have to do with me. I told him my friends have been my friends longggg before we met and that isnt gonna change and if he has a problem with that, its on him. && he's really contradicting himself because he talks all that madness about how he doesnt think its right that I hang out with guys but he hangs out with his slutty whorish female friends but when I want to hang out with my guy friends, he wants to act immature and get an attitude. and one more thing, a few days before we made it official, we were at the park with his cousins and his cousin kept telling me I have a big and he wants to have with me and my boyfriend didnt say anything and my point is, he's gonna get mad when I want to hang out with my friends but he didnt say shyt nor did he do anything when his cousin was telling me all of that stuff. his reason was he thought I liked the attention and we weren't together. he also pretty much said that me hanging out with my friends is disrespectful. hmmmm..he doesnt know my friends first off and he didnt think that his cousin tellin me all those things was disrespectful so what is he talking about? Im 19 and he's 22. He needs to grow up and realize that the world does NOT revolve around him and he is NOT gonna dictate who I can and cant ociate myself with. I truly love him but his little petty tantrums and everything is pushing me away and im tired of this. I dont wanna break up with him but I do. When he isnt acting like a d-bag, he's the sweetest thing besides sugar and he makes me feel really good about myself but the whole friend thing is starting to outweigh the good qualities about him. Should I just end things now or like wait a little while longer to see if he's gonna change.?

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