Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What happened to my skills?

Ok so I used to be pretty decent at skating. I mean I wasn't great but I could do some basic tricks, kickflips, heelflips, a lot of manual tricks, I could do several different grinds and whatnot. Anyway when I was 15 I was starting to learn how to vert skate (mainly practicing 180's and 360's) and was attempting a 360 ( I had already done two that day I felt pretty confident) I bailed and landed hard on my right leg shattering it. I was scared after that to get back on a skateboard but now almost a decade later I'm trying to pick it back up and I'm having a hard time. I can't even ollie anymore. I mean I'm not just rusty, it's like I've never skated before. What happened to my skills?

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