Friday, August 12, 2011

My soon-to-be ex-wife keeps making false child abuse charges and will not stop. What can I do?

I go along with the post of "Poopypus" in getting a camera with time & dates on it while you are with the children. Let it run the whole time you are with them so you do have the proof you need that can be plainly seen. What a total shame she is doing this to you, BUT worse yet, the things she's "teaching" your children to do against their own father who loves them & just wants to spend time with them. This is one SAD story to say the least, & I'm SO SORRY for ALL you're having to put up with. Just KNOW that in the end, right DOES prevail & she WILL get caught up in all these lies she's telling,. You should NOT have to go thru what you're going thru just to see your own children. This is honestly SAD & my heart goes out to you for ALL you're having to put up with. Justice WILL prevail & she WILL get what's coming to her one of these days. Just ashame of ALL you have to go thru in the meantime. How can someone be filled with so much hate & vindictiveness against someone they once were suppose to love! I wish ALL good things for you, & trust everything turns out rite & ALL in your favor...the best to you...:)

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