Wednesday, August 17, 2011


i was watching a report on GMA this morning and some man reportedly suffered a very traumatizing experience and had a history of emotional problems. this sounds like me only he got amnesia and i didnt. i have come to the conclusion that i would really really really like to forget. i have thought over the consequences and what it means to everyone around me but i just want to forget. is there a way to forget purposely? i hate what goes on in my mind. does anyone know of any methods that can do this? a way to self-induce amnesia?

I need some help (anxiety and depression) =(?

ive been on anti-depressants for about 3 months., tonight ive been feelin really depressed.. the last few days ive been havin suicidal thoughts.. ive imagined hanging myself just outside my room on my balcony. Ive suffered from really bad anxiety for the last 5 and a half years and it keeps going away and coming back, im worried it has come back tonight and i really dont want to deal with the pain again. Im at a breaking point :(.. plz help me im on the brink of tears and have been like this for the last 5 hours.

Why is my potted zucchini wilting?

You may be overwatering...don't water unless the soil is starting to feel dry...don't just water to water. Try transplanting it into a larger pot and while doing that see what the root system looks like. You should see nice, healthy white roots. Be sure the current or new pot is draining properly too. One warning on growing zucchini in pots: They get HUGE!! In my garden, a single plant can easily be three to four feet wide! You will need a very large pot to support that big of a plant and so it doesn't dry out on you too quickly.

Would you get into a relationship with this type of guy?

There is this guy I like, who is kind, intelligent, and a likeable person in general to his peers. However, he has many of his own issues to deal with, like a pessimistic view on life and people, and family problems. He is depressed most of the time and very cynical. Would you ever consider dating or getting into a relationship with this type of guy, with so many issues of his own?

Whats the best type of pot or bowl to use to cook a stew in? Thanks?

I use a crock pot to cook my meat......slow cooking produces the most tender meat. If cooking in the oven, I use an enamel coated cast iron dutch oven and slowly cook the stew for 3 /12 - 4 hours.

Will my eyebrows grow back?

I plucked my eyebrows pretty thin (well thin for me, i have pretty thick eyebrows) about a month ago, and my eyebrows still aren't all the way grown back. and the worst part is that i have banquet in 2 weeks and my eyebrows look horrible! they sort of grew back in patches. is this normal? and what do you recommend doing to make them look thicker for my athletics banquet?

What happened to My Chemical Romance?

No, I'm not trying to be mean and don't shoot me for not knowing (to the MCR fans). I'm just curious. They haven't been mainstream for a long, long time! I miss them, because I actually think the singles they released were AMAZING.

What is your favorite edgar allan poe story?

Mine's The Black Cat! Great story! I also like the movie I saw on Youtube with Brian Swierczynski and Bruce Lerner!

It seems that ethanol production in the United States has not been completely thought?

through. We have just started our energy shift and believe that ethanol production is not dead, but could be tweaked such as using urban brown fields to grow crops for fuel instead of clearing wood and grlands. What are your thoughts?a href=";_ylt=ArroHdyuaQZ1ychaNj9misEDW7oF"…/a

Need help.. shaved my pubs.. regret it :(?

i shaved my pubs and now theres little red bumps all over the area. i missed some small hairs around my and it hurts cause theyre prickily but i dont know how to reach them! im afraid when they all grow it it will be soo painful the prickles and that theyll be ingrown? what should i do? i put visine on it .. helps a TINY bit. any one used hair removal? does that work good?.. for next time..

Is it true that Chelsea fans are racist?

I've heard a lot about affiliation with Neo-Nazis in the '80's and talk about Anti-Semitic is this all true?

IPhone 3G Ringtones...?

How do I set a song from iPod as a ringtone? If it isn't possible... can I make my own (underlined) on a PC (underlined)... ???

Looking for women who are going though menopause?

I'm i to young to be going though menopause i'm 52 and can't get this feeling of no period but have all the signs of bad pms or pre-menopause bloating weigh gain my are so sore for 2 weeks now its crazy.aches and pains in my legs,back,cramps,but no period for 2 months now and no i'm not pregnant had tube tied years ago and the moods are wild. sad. .crying, bad bitching at my grown child and husband i just can't stand myself i just feel so uncomfortable with my body not happy at all.So any women feeling like this please tell all.

How come the liberals are worried that the Unions will be busted, could it be because Obama will fail in 2012?

If unions fail, then people who do a bad job will be fired. That's not fair. People should be able to get stuff they don't deserve. How dare you suggest that schools get rid of bad teachers and that grocery stores don't pay the baggers $15 an hour.

Persuasive Speech Ideas: What Should I Choose?

I think the first two topics you have listed would be easier to research - there should be a lot of information available on both of them. All of them sound interesting and I would think the Human Genetic Engineering would be the least common topic of the three.

I am stuck sharing a room with my older sister and she smells bad!?

lol...i feel sorry for you but you cant do anything much about it as there is lack of room in your house but you can try and have a rules within your room where no farting allowed and anything else you hate.

Why do you think that people ume that those who listen to rap are unintelligent?

The only thing that can be said for those kinds of people is that they're ignorant. The best thing you can do is just laugh and ignore them.

Of the top 32 scouted players.Who is the 1 player in the draft you want your team stay away from ( list incl.)?

Sam Bradford. I pick Bradford for 2 main reasons. First, he plays at Oklahoma and that school is becoming famous for having poor NFL QB's. I am not dissing the Big XII but the conference does not have any great defenses and Bradford has had some pretty good TE's and WR's to throw to and that makes numbers look better than they are. Second, with the previous being said, Bradford will go to a really bad team and will not get proper coaching needed to even become a decent backup.

Harvest Moon tree of Tranquility question?

3 things 1-What's a good herb fish 2-Where's the sprite I can't find him and I don't know where to find him and 3-How do I get my house to level 2 and learn more information about the other half of the quilt.

Howard's interest rate gaffe? Did any Australians see this?

This makes me really angry, who cares if John Howard got it wrong, he is so busy running our country he doesnt need to know the exact interest rate. Kevin Rudd got it right, but he also proved that he had seen John Howard's interview before his own was conducted, talking about the so called debate 'worm' which John Howard mentioned in his. Tracy Grimshaw told John Howard the correct interest rate and Kevin Rudd would have seen that too. The whole interview was biased to portray John Howard in the negative and Kevin Rudd wasn't given any grief. It really annoyed me.

For all teenagers out there. what do u think of my writing?

Brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant, etc... I would totally buy your books!!!!!! =D

How do I filter gray water?

I would not suggest doing it because contamination could be possible and you wouldn't want to get sick on a camping trip.

When compressor is removed from Boiler-turbine-compressor-pump model,why is'nt it a PMM-2 when water is used?

boiler is connected to turbine,turbine is connected to compressor and pump,compressor is connected to pump,pump is connected to boiler...water becomes steam in boiler.....why is it not a perpetual motion machine 2....(give an answer which does not relate with Kelvin and Clausius statement)

Help, notepad and internet explorer removed by antivirus?

simple reintall the progams through the controlpanel addremove programs in add/remove windows components ,

How Should I cut my hair?

I think you should cut it up to your shoulder actually a little above that, you have a really pretty face so you can do that. :)

Whos sings that song from the Mazda car commercial from 2002 sounds like I dream of genie?

This song was featured in a Mazda commercial, the tune sounds like I dream of Genie, a women sings it.

How badly will Jay Cutler expose the Packer's defense tonight?

I'll play it conservative and say Cutler completes 43 of his 27 p attempts for 1002 yards and 52 touchdowns. He also will run for 1 touchdown, but it will be the greatest run football fans have ever seen. So great in fact, that the fans who witness it will never again feel happiness or joy, as nothing in their lives will ever come close to matching the moment they saw Jay scramble for that TD.

Would this need the subjunctive? (2)?

...bien qu'il faisait froid. I understand that there is an imperfect subjunctive, but this isn't a piece of formal or literary writing. So should I use the imperfect or the present subjunctive? thankyou!

Sagittarian men don't like committment?

I never dated one, but I observe them when they are with someone. And I notice they like to have a women to wine and dine with sleep with and yet use the friend title. Astrology to me has truth in it. Horoscope is like the lotto. Just a lucky coincident. Astrology will guide you to some degree. For example if you are a libra female you are fresh, bratty love attention and nice things. Aries men are users and so forth.

Finally my BFP!!!! I am so excited.... I will tell you what I did!!?

I have been TTC for 2years now and the dr always told me everything was ok with me just to keep trying it didnt make any since when me and my fioncee is 19. But we continued to BD everyday almost. I have did BBT, OPK, Baby Asapin, You name it I have read and tried it!! I read and research things everyday on here and I have thought about becoming an RE. I have been taking prenatal vitamins for months now. I used to have a 42 cycle period then after I start taking the vitamins I went to A 28-32 cycle. So get healthy ladies and it can solve somethings. Then last month I started Clomid 50mg... Didnt work so I wen to GNC and got the Progesterone cream and while I have been taking that which I started on 7dpo I have been having sore , nausea, pains,and eating everything. I have not gave up yet so while all this is happening im thinking its the progesterone so I go to the dr and get some blood work done to find out what the problem is but I am still wondering why am I feeling like this and the dr did not test my urine for some reason when I did want them to be I guess they just think it was needed.. So I left and was having the same symptoms later that night a ran to meijers because I just had to find out what it was and LORD AND BEHOLD IT WAS A BFP!!!!!!! I couldnt believe what I had seen!! Im so happy u guys thank you all for all the answer and the knowledge you have given me to conceive my child and to know what field i might want!! I am going to make an apt in the morning so I will defently keep you guys posted!!! MUCH LOVE AND BABY DUST!!!!♥♥♥♥

Will butane be fine for an outdoor bbq rather than propane/patio gas? is the difference negligable?

Propane has a higher butane content in Europe, and I ume the UK, than what we have here in North America. So any answers you consider accurate must consider this fact. But I will say that butane is an oily gas with a lower pressure than propane. I would say the air fuel mixture will require definite adjustment. Using a different fuel than what the appliance is certified for may cause a void of warranty and liability if anything were to happen that injured anyone or caused property damage. I suggest you contact the appliance manufacturer to get the answer for this question.

What song is it?!?! (i can't remember)?

i remember watching the music video and remember some parts like in the beginning there in a white hall with a bunch of people and then a boom box appears (i think) and another part is the girlfriend comes she pushes him and then leaves in an elevator i believe..... that's all i can remember >>> thanks mucho!! ^.^

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

US not safer after Obama's first 100 days?

From the intelligence level detected by the inspiring question you've put forth I have concluded that the first word of your question is not U.S. (United States), but rather "us"

Im five feet tall and 17 years old!!!!!!?

You sound fine to me. You're just not going to be as tall as some girls Are. So what's the Problem ? EVERYBODY's got Something they don't like about Themselves... Half the girls on here are 5'4" & 50 pounds Overweight... -Would You rather trade places with THEM ??! :o

How to make teddy similar to this? pictures?

if you make a pattern first on paper and make shure it works then you can make one out of material then it should be easy to figure out i think for the white stuff sticking to the bear you can use maybe feathers and make the bear out of felt. also you can use lace for the collar and a small necklace or bracelet or even just string for the little strap thing.

Do you think that Ben Rothlelisberger's media coverage is racially motivated?

You can also say the media have basically given Mark Maguire a p while Barry Bonds has been vilified by everyone. If Bonds came out saying he used but it didn't affect his stats, he would be ridiculed unmercilessly, Maguire says it and people equivocate, they say, well he at least admitted it. Isiah Thomas said if Larry Bird was black, he would be regarded as just another ballplayer, he gets called on the carpet by the commissioner and has to publicly apologize! Blacks have always been scrutinized more than whites by the media.

Should I worry of getting HIV through something that I ate today? Read my details!?

This what happened. You ate melted er, not semen or another bodily fluid. You ate a jalapeno. Though spicy,they are benign. Sometimes they are green. Then you drank some tea with an undissolved sugar cube in the bottom. In your haste to eat the delicious potato, you bit your tongue. Unless the McCallisters was really doing something funny, I think you had what might be called "a normal lunch".

Cindy Mccain looks like she's older than John McCain! Anyone agree?

And what's the deal with Cindy's goat eyes? They creep me out more than McCain's creepy smile, if such a thing is even possible.


you need something to do with the housekeeper lady too, I can't think of her name right now, but she plays a huge part in helping with the children, from even before their mother died

Is it possible to not receive a text message?

sometimes people wont reply to me, or my friends say i dont reply to them. so i was just wondering if its possible that some text messages dont always make it through? and also if certain cellphone companys have crappier service than others? text message wise.

Probiotics are useless?

Go talk to an herbalist. Go to the bookstore and get a book Called prescriptions for natural cures, by Mark Stengler N.D. Or go to a health food store and talk to one of the sales representatives.

Is soot (from a chimney or boiler) harmful to pets?

My dad was cleaning out the boiler today and as a result a lot of soot was released. He tracked some with his feet into the bathroom when he went to wash his hands. My cat went into the bathroom to eat his food and I noticed when he came out his little paws were gray-ish black- he has white paws. Now he's sitting here cleaning himself and I tried to stop him but of course he wouldn't and I don't know what to clean him with (if he'll let me). Is this soot harmful to his insides? And, what can I clean him with should I happen to end up cleaning him. Thanx for your help!!

YIM won't sign on as invisible after connection drops?

if you had ticked the box to sign in always in invisible but will be visible when you connection drops, just change the status again to invisible. i'm not quite sure how it happens in your case cause do works fine to sign in always in invisible even if it disconnects sometimes, it will automatically connect as invisible again.

People ask all the time about Barack Obama's accomplishments, what exactly has McCain "accomplished?"?

if you are to lazy to look you probably won't read this either but hear goes a few things, campaign fiance, educational bills, protection for seniors from fraud, veterans rights, environmental protection, equal rights, amendment rights, fair housing protection, etc,

My friends dad is Lebanese and he was talking about this knife back in the70's and 80's Lebanon?

That's Spanish Gypsy Folding Knife. It's called a "Carranca" or something in Spanish because it makes six clicking sounds very quickly when you flip it open and to them, the sound is like "Carrrrranca"

Wedding invitation wording?

So i have made my own invitations and searched for the right wording to use. I love how they have turned out. We actually had to do 2 sets, one for the private ceremony (and reception) and another for just the reception. My dilema is, on the reception invitations would it be improper to request an rsvp but not include a rsvp card? Our reception is very informal btw... its a backyard bash.

Does he see me as just a friend?

met a guy in my club who I thought had a mutual attraction from the start, but he ended up asking my friend out who lead him on. Later in the year we started chatting on line and somehow it got ual...he talked too about how he wanted a g/f, but I was afraid he just wanted me as a g/f for , so told him I wasn't looking to date at the time...also, he never seemed interested enough in ME, like not asking those "deep, probing questions" people say guys ask if they like you, so I ume he doesn't. Yet, now we living in the same house and he had a g/f, but they recently broke up cuz she didn't spend enough time with him and I'm knowing him better---he actually seems sweet and decent...Now I see him always staring at me and when talking in a group he mostly looks at me and he's much nicer and whenever he makes a joke he looks right away at me, since i usually laugh...i'm not sure, but could these be signs of something or wishful thinking lol ???? How can i show him i want to date now? He keeps giving me compliments and today was sooo nice...he got me water and aspirin when i told my friend i didn't feel well and listened to me when i suggested he do something, which he doesn't usually like doing i reading too much into it?

At what point does the transgressor become the transgressed?

This is the best troll story ever. However, how many times, and under how many names, do you plan to post this?

Is it B???

yeah, im pretty sure its B. dramatic irony is the opposite of what is actually happening. the guy being happy and warm is opposite of the cold morning.

Monday, August 15, 2011

I need advice, this might sound stupid.?

I'd say take the pictures down and people will forget about it. Honestly over allll the things that happen over summer i doubt that your will be the main topic (i dont mean that in a mean way, i just mean other things probably stick in their mind more) if they do ask, you could say it was the camera or just make a joke about it and say something like "i know, i wish i could have that camera there all the time!" Laugh it off :)

What happens when government fails to live up to its responsibilites?

That entire area has been hit hard by the recession. Let your elected officials know how you feel and excercise your right to vote.

Why does Paul Krugman use a flawed economic model while insisting on more wasteful stimulus?

While Krugman might be right, he is being simplistic. There's an intrinsic softness to a lot of productivity numbers and he treats the statistics as above reproach. For example, the true value of certain sectors to the US economy is vastly overstated when comparing the nominal monetary value with the actual utility of those sectors: taking just three - military, healthcare, agriculture - are areas with significant distortion of nominal value from actual utility, meaning that select spending in those areas can actually be feeding value into a blackhole. Using one's gas pedal or brake has value only when there is traction between rubber and a real surface. To theorize about the efficacy of hitting the gas when on a false surface is pure speculative blindness. Perhaps, sadly, depressions are an inevitable aspect of a political economy (as opposted to just economy)realigning to a real balance between productive activity and utility. Krugman needs to specify selectivity and adjustment. Simply openning the monetary floodgates can actually postpone, and intensify, the "inevitable" without those corrective adjustments. It's not an "either-or" macro situation. The answer lies in selective and significant cuts, and selective and significant spending increases. It means a political reessment of economic utility.

Cap and Trade getting one step closer to page today. Will Americans wake up and revolt if this pes ?

utilities in Washington state are already exorbitant & take a huge portion of my pay. i can't imagine paying more taxes on top of the bills......and, prices will go up if industries are heavily taxed. how will we survive?

HELP! i can't delete this folder?

i downloaded an application from the internet. it's called Microsoft OneNote 2007 (Portable). It has Thinstall folder inside and when i open it, it has another folder named Microsoft OneNote 2007 (Portable) and when i open it there's another Thinstall folder. I keep on getting those folders (Microsoft OneNote 2007 (Portable) -> Thinstall -> Microsoft OneNote 2007 (Portable) -> Thinstall -> Microsoft OneNote 2007 (Portable) -> Thinstall -> .... and so on and so forth). I can't delete them bec my computer said "folder is not empty". I tried a file/folder shredder but it said that the file name (or something like that) is too long... what's the problem with this application? i didn't install it so it's not showing in the add/remove program... thanks for those geniuses who'll help me!

Why the people of the coldest area of the world have sweat glands as they have no need according to evolution.?

If there is no need of sweat glands in colder reagion then why people of the coldest reagion of the world have sweat glands? like galapagos finches had changed their bills according to the need of the envoirnment for fitness.

5th Grade Math Homework Help?

Ok. So, I don`t get my math homework. I need to know equivalent MIXED NUMBERS NOT improper fractions... help plesssssseeeeeeee!

Help...With aztec homework. Please and thank you!?

What can I write as some contributions to todays society, sorry but I don't fel like reading and thinkin today. Thank you!

What exactly happened to me?

first of all.. Im sorry for my bad english.. But I dunno what to do rite now..I DON'T HAVE BEST FRIEND! I Only have girl friendS that not considered as a best friend even though im very close to them.. I have 2 sisters.. but 2 of them work in other places... my dad seldom comes home. So, there are only me and my mom in the house. I feel so useless and worthless.. they provided me with enough money but sometime they just spend their time on theirs own.. I feel depressed with my life.. There's only me and my computer.. I always spend my time online.. Without friends ! U always cry in my room alone.. I feel in secured when im in the public .. sometime I feel that I should leave this world... what excatly happen to me? :( im so sorry for my bad english!

Parents, I really need some advice on what to do for my 5 year old?

What school is he in? Military school? He just turned 5 ! Fro crying out loud ! I would simply change school, if he was so bright and he would feel bored in his school ! And, he is a boy, and you simply have to make "school and homework", a lot more interesting ! My son went through the same and I simply chose to put him in Public School. Best medicine by far !

Citation problems- opposing viewpoints book.?

I'm writing a paper on eating disorders and a major source i am using is a book called eating disorders opposing viewpoints (part of the opposing viewpoints series). Inside there are different articles. when citing should i use the book as a whole or the name of the article i'm using. the reason i'm confused is because of the pages. one of the page i want to cite is 79 of the book, but i dont know what page it would be from the actual article. im also writing in mla format. i hope this makes sense lol.

Is this normal for a 4 month 1 week baby?

Lol I laughed about the head shaking left to right! Ur baby is perfectly normal. My brother was doing some of the same things at 3-4 months. He would scoot back bc that's how he was building muscles. Making noises is learning how to communicate. Babies are great at observing and learning bc they don't have much in their head to begin with. Ahahaa, still laughing at the Baby Einstein thing XD

If sri lanka lost another match then they are out of WC?

No. There is no one close enough to challenge them. All the other teams - Zimbabwe, Canada and Kenya are far down the list with less or no points.

What was the ride on toy name from the early 1970's that was a plastic race car in summer & sled in winter

Blue in color, looked like a old Indy Racer. Was able to put skies on all 4 corners in the winter for a sled, & plastic tires for the summer

Do these two celebs look alike?

They do look similar. I agree that Carrie is prettier. Someone who looks a lot like Carrie is Emily Osment. She could be her little sister or something.

How to get rid of skid marks in a toilet bowl?

Squirt bleach onto the area and leave for a while then come back and flush the toilet. If they don't come off with the flush they should come off if you try wiping it then. Good luck

Could someone help me with a problem between a friend and I?

Okay, so I have a friend, and we used to be really close, but last week there was a guy who she really liked that she asked to the Sadie Hawkins Dance. When she was talking to me about it, I made her upset by saying that based on the body language he showed while she asked him, he most likely would say no(okay, I admit that that was a pretty stupid choice of words). It made things worse when he actually did say no, and now she isn't talking to me. I need some way to apologize to her and hopefully get back into the friendship that we used to have, Thanks!

What would have happened if the Movies were like this? about:*Scarface:"Say hello to my little friend....oops,wrong friend"....

Inhaled exhaust from propane fueled forklift?...?

It is more likely caused by inhaling carbon monoxide in the exhaust than from inhaling propane. There should not be much propane in the exhaust; if there is, then it could explode and cause the entire warehouse to burn down. However, the exhaust does have other chemicals that are bad for you.

What is cinderella wearing in this picture?,r:4,s:0&tx=76&ty=89 cinderella is wearing a shaw sort of thing is there a real name for what she is wearing?

My (ex) boyfriend betrayed me! It was the ultimate betrayal. How do I overcome this and move on?

She is not an educated woman. An educated woman would listen to what you have to say and decide for herself. She has no idea what his feelings are for you. She is involved with a man who sleeps with other woman, steals their money, and she thinks he wont do this to her. He will. She will be supporting children that he eventually strays from. You can't trust him because he wasn't honest with you about her. Everyone goes through a relationship like this. I had one friend move to another state with a guy, they rented an apartment and she never say him again. She quit her job to move then he was gone with no explanation. These things happen, but they say more about the loser they are than you. I dated someone who lied about everything and though I didn't like the lesson at the time, I appreciate it now because its hard to get anything over on me now. I'm sure there were signs that you overlooked but will never over look again. In the future, you will find a good guy and it will be a good situation, just don't believe all men are bad. In my case, my husband left me for a stripper, but you move on and hope for the best.

All of the following are characteristics of electrolyte metabolism is sports except?

> B. replenishment of lost electrolytes in most athletes can be accomplished by ingesting a regular diet (The electrolyte replenishment is done via fluids and the sports drinks).

Games to play with a girl on msn messenger?

i need some games ot play with a girl on msn and not things like tic tac toe and solitaire but things to kno more about each other and f ind out things fun games.

Women who convert to Islam for their husband/fiance?

You can't revert for a man or a woman. You have to do it for yourself, and as you know in Islam everything is about your intention. If she is simply doing it to make her husband happy, its not going to mean anything. She has to truly believe it herself, and Islam is not something to take lightly or do on a whim. Insha'Allah she will be guided to the straight path. Just keep making dua for her and be there to answer all of her questions to the best of your ability.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

When can a modern nation before an ideal nation?

Conservatism and individualism does not contradict a society serving its people- get a clue you liberal troll.

A question for people who are pro life with no exceptions?

@someone -- Childbirth, pregnancy, and the psychological effects of are incredibly painful, you insensitive prick. Adoption is an option, yes, but don't you get how traumatic pregnancy and birth must be for a small child who was d?

What do you think of the 3rd chapter of her story?

Its okay, but there to much talking. ur frined needs to do more descobring.(SP) in the story. right now i have no idea where they are, what tehre do, if there eating, or dirnking something, if there at a cafe or something. it helps if u say where they are and what they are doing at all times.. it helps teh reader from getting lost in just the talking.. other wise poeple well get turned off.. sorry

Why doesn't my genie garage door opener open?

My genie garage door opener is a screw type. When I try to open the garage from either the wall controls or from the remote control is gives me a loud retching sound and will not open but when I use the emergency release and left up the garage door and lock it in place, the opener can close the door but makes the loud retching sound again and will not open when trying to open again.

Why do I think that people are only nice because they want something? Please help me be less cynical!?

This has been a big problem for me since a BAD relationship about 3 years ago. It completely destroyed my trust in all people; not just men. Since then I've been trying to figure out why I feel so cynical about people who are nice to me. I'm a very modest person so I don't feel like I deserve attention as I'm no different from anyone else. Usually when people are nice I ume it's because they want something from me. I feel no need in being friendly, having friends, ociating with co-workers on a personal level (even though they desperately try to make friends) I always feel as though I have nothing in common with them what-so-ever so what is the point in trying to make a friendship that will not last. It has become a major problem because my fiance is getting fed-up with my self defeatist, negative and moody personality. I never used to be like this...and I'm starting to hate myself. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? PLEASE BE HONEST!

Confused, Period Issue?

Hi all, well i posted a question on here last week as my period was 6 days late, anyway it came on the 12th and now its the 16th and my period has stopped? this is quite short for me, anyway first day of my period i woke up with very very bad cramping, and the toilet looked like a murder scene, sorry for too much info, then i had back ache all day followed by more cramping, next day pain had gone, just a heavy-ish flow, but then yestday it was light and today nothing. i stopped taking the pill 5 months ago and had a withdrawal bleed and a normal period last month, but that too was very painfull with clots and back ache, but lasted 6 days. this time i had more pain concentrated on my ovaries, right one to be exact, dunno if something is going on in that region, or what, this cant no longer have anything to do with taking the pill. i am trying to concieve and taking 2 cheap test, but both negative. any advice would be great thankss x

My webkinz Bengal Tiger, Aztec keeps getting sick.?

I take her to Dr Quack, but then a few days later or a few weeks later she'll get sick again. Has this happend to anyone else?

If all my friends say that I'm too good for my girlfriend, should I dump her?

I'm not shallow, but it seems ALL my friends believe I deserve a better girlfriend. They say things like I should get a more intelligent, better looking, and more refined girl. This is starting to make me doubt my love for her, what should I do?

Is Palin being to accomplish her worst objectives?

The sheriff's comments echoed remarks Giffords herself made last year during the height of the 2010 midterm elections. In an interview with MSNBC last March, the Democratic lawmaker, who had been the target of threats over her vote on health care reform, noted her inclusion on list of lawmakers Sarah Palin was targeting for defeat that featured gun-related imagery. "The way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gunsight over our district," Giffords said at the time. "When people do that, they have got to realize there are consequences to that action."

WS what do you all think of this possible Royal Rumble surprise entrant?

Can you dig it sucka? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Debate - That tourism is destroying our culture?

I' m in the Negative team and im doing a debate. Any ideas to help me prove the case? Also any ideas on what the affirmative team may state and a way i could re their statement. Thx

Do anyone knows what happened to

I was a long time writer in I was busy for about 2 months in the year 2009, suddenly it just disappear without any trace of notification. if any of you guys know, or even an x writer, let me know, I really needed to contact my dear old friend the moderator, E.M. Phoenix. thank you for the time, can't wait for the reply.

How does our carbon footprint tell us how much energy we are wasting?

It doesn't. What it tells you is how much carbon dioxide your activities are creating, and thus what your contribution to global warming is.

The 2008 Movie "Smart People"?

In the movie Dennis Quaid's character was talking about a book that centers around a lotus. What is that book?

Is the fair that Calif ignores federal laws illegal students to pay in-state fees at public colleges?

The way I understand it is federal laws prohibits this.And this like saying if you had no say in where you were born and want to attend a college out of your state,than you should not have to pay -state fees at public colleges and universities.If they want to be equal and fair about it.

I suffer from spontaneous farting. Should I just act like it's a joke?

It's not a joke, it's a digestive problem. See your GP. You may need to take something for it. Check your diet, see if there's anything you could change to stop it.

Can you put polyurethane over laminate flooring and counter tops?

I bought a laminate pre fab countertop and, although it looks good,It's rather dull looking. Can I put polyurethane on it to make it shine? Also the same problem with laminate flooring.Looks good but lacks the shine!

Rabbis caught money laundering and organ-trafficking, why do the so called holyman have to do this ?

Every occupation, even "holy men" have their black sheep. It's disappointing to many more people, but it does happen. If he is guilty, he should spend the requisite amount of time in prison.

Laptop won't turn on!?

So I tried to turn on my laptop but all that happened is the num-lock, caps and the other lock icon thing blinked once. It's plugged into the wall and the light on the charger is on so I don't think that's broken. Heellp!!!!!!

Poll? would you ever try one of those krispy kreme bacon cheeseburgers? where they use a krispy kreme glazed?

my arteries are aching just thinking about it....don't show me a picture of it...I might just have a heart attack!

How can I break my addiction to Pop-Tarts?

eat one less everyday and keep a record of how well your doing, even if u screw up..also try and eat more sugar in other areas of your diet so you dont crave sugar from them anymore

What Tour Buses go to Cache Creek Casino?

I am located in Oakland California and would like to know if there is a tour bus that goes to brooks california to the cache creek casinos?

Do you like these names?

oh i love all of them names because there very unusual and i love that. Any of them would be a lovely name!! good luck in choosing 1 x

Something to do for tonight?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

IPod nano won't play videos that ARE recognised?

I downloaded Ares Tube to put videos onto my iPod nano. iTunes recognizes and even plays the video, so I dragged the MPEG-4 into my iPod. When I selected the movie to play on my iPod, all I get is a black screen - and I can't fast forward or anything. So how do I fix this?

Need information about "Inventory Source llc" of NC, Is there somebody doing real business with this company?

Not done business with them personally, but "Inventory Source" in Charlotte gets pretty good marks from the Better Business Bureau.

What is the meaning behind Macavity the Mystery Cat?

The poem celebrates the mystery of this wonderful feline. He is more magic and mystery than a cat. There is no great theme.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Should the wwe do another obsession/stalker storyline similar to Mickie and Trish?

I was thinking that the wwe could do another obsession/stalker storyline but with the men instead of the women. Option 1 is to have a stalker obsess over John Cena who eventually becomes John Cena's greatest most dangerous enemy who even could go over him which teaches the kids of the wwe universe that they are potentially better than the people they admire and look up too. Another option is similar to the first but the stalker should be a manager like character who isn't a wrestler at all who could ociate themselves to another of Cena's enemies and use the infinite knowledge they have of John Cena to help the wrestler overcome Cena. A third option is to use option 1, but the stalker should stalk Kaval who NEEDS an interesting storyline to get over. Since Kaval is one of those "internet darlings" the stalker should be one of those "internet fans" that come in to start helping Kaval out even to the point of helping Kaval win a championship. The stalker and Kaval go through the usually stages of obsession, Kaval rejects them, stalker than wants revenge which leads to Kaval vs the stalker in a championship match that results in either the stalker winning or Kaval winning which creates 2 stars at the same time 1 is the great wrestler the other is an interesting character. so what do you think?

What do you think?

Solid team. I suppose there is a bit of a risk at RB, but barring injuries, this team looks pretty good on paper.

Right or wrong?

I happened to stay over at one of my Male friends house for a week's visit to a foreign country. We are platonic friends for about 15 years, however to my very surprise the first night itself he started making moves on me and we ended up having all the time in next 7 days. Although I enjoyed the attention i received (he really took good care of me other than the part) I feel extremely sad,guilty and depressed over the this happened. to an extent that i feel like a .It was not "on the moment" or "just happened" but it appeared that he had well planned all this even before i came in.I am really confused and sad over the fact that a friend(so old)gave more importance to over friendship.It is getting more and more diff for me to trust and accept him back as a friend. My question is how would you have felt if you were in my position?Did he not think even once that it might effect our friendship later? What is more important 15 years of frienship or 1 week's ?

A question over Herbert Hoover?!?

What was his response to the governments responsibility during the Depression to Business and every day people?


K do you like this car a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and how about this hairstyle a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a


After you defeat the Captain of the ship as well as the enemy spaceship, are the rooms other ship as well as a majority of the teleporters disabled?


The faith filled believers have excuses for all that their god does. Mostly they will tell you that we can never understand his plan, which is to me at least, a bit of a cop out to explain why he would allow all that he does. )O(

This isnt first signs of schizophrenia right?

i don't really know my real mom and i haven't seen her since i was a child but i found out that she has the disease called paranoid schizophrenia and she has had it since she was a 20 years old now and seem pretty normal, i heard its hereditary but all my friends and my husband tell me not to worrie about it because i probably wouldn't get it. im still like super scared though, i just got done reading about it and i think i might have some of the symptoms.....: when i try to tell a story with out thinking of exactly what im going to say first i tend to forget everything half way through a sentence and cant remember even what i was talking about for the life of me. when ever i leave a message on a phone i have to right it down first....or the same thing will happen. its weird because if someone tells me a list of things to do il remember everything, i have a great memory otherwise but this only happens when im talking. ive never heard voices or seen things that are not there though, also i was always really shy in school and had a really hard time having conversations with people, this is a sign supposabley, i also have a very hard time expressing my feelings in words....i don't have a large vocabulary and half the time i cant find the right words to say to express exactly what im thinking which makes it hard to talk to people. other then this problem im always happy unless theres a reason not to be, and i have no problem doing tasks or studying. but i was just concerned....

Always Sunny season finale last night?

Anyone else think the always sunny finale last night was one of the best episodes ever?? It was hysterical. I love Dee and Dennis!

What does this dream mean?

u did something really wrong and u didnt admit it n now every1 is paying the price 4 you..u dont want 2 get caught so you try your best not 2 ->''they were tripping over stuff and walking into doors and tables and I was doing my best to prevent it''.... the green bananas is another glitch....u dont have anyone 2 turn 2 asides from ''ur friend''-> ''I turned myself to my friend and hugged him with tears'' who seems 2 not be as unlucky as every1 else..soooo i think that he may have something 2 do with this- that he/ she may have set you keep your friends close! xd

What is the answer to this colin leslie dean species paradox?

That paradox is nothing but Bull Sheep! Evolution is an OG process.. meaning it changes smoothly due time. Also take note that species has some degree of tolerance on which specie or individual it can procreate with. So Species A when mated with another Species A wont result in Species B right away but will result in something like Species A.1 . so overtime this Species A.1 will be prevalent and it will produce another set of Species, lets say Species A.2. Until to such point that Species A.9... If Specie A.9 looks very different now to Species A, we therefore can say that you have another species or a speciation has occurred.

Should i break up with him?

My boyfriend is really trippin. He doesnt want me hanging out with my guy friends and when I asked him why, he said "I dont trust niggss" && im like what does that have to do with me. I told him my friends have been my friends longggg before we met and that isnt gonna change and if he has a problem with that, its on him. && he's really contradicting himself because he talks all that madness about how he doesnt think its right that I hang out with guys but he hangs out with his slutty whorish female friends but when I want to hang out with my guy friends, he wants to act immature and get an attitude. and one more thing, a few days before we made it official, we were at the park with his cousins and his cousin kept telling me I have a big and he wants to have with me and my boyfriend didnt say anything and my point is, he's gonna get mad when I want to hang out with my friends but he didnt say shyt nor did he do anything when his cousin was telling me all of that stuff. his reason was he thought I liked the attention and we weren't together. he also pretty much said that me hanging out with my friends is disrespectful. hmmmm..he doesnt know my friends first off and he didnt think that his cousin tellin me all those things was disrespectful so what is he talking about? Im 19 and he's 22. He needs to grow up and realize that the world does NOT revolve around him and he is NOT gonna dictate who I can and cant ociate myself with. I truly love him but his little petty tantrums and everything is pushing me away and im tired of this. I dont wanna break up with him but I do. When he isnt acting like a d-bag, he's the sweetest thing besides sugar and he makes me feel really good about myself but the whole friend thing is starting to outweigh the good qualities about him. Should I just end things now or like wait a little while longer to see if he's gonna change.?

Fidelity National Home Warranty refuses to cover leaking?

If it's only $425.00 why even bother to claim this on your insurance. Hell, your deductible is probably $500.00 anyway. Your insurance will only go up making frivolous claims. Wait for a real emergency.

Would a Justin Bieber/Zac Efron haircut look good on a 105lb 5' 14 year old boy?

I think any guy would look great with this cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What am i suposed to do please help me?

hey im fifteen and about to turn sixteen in a week but not important. what is is that im gay and am out to all my friends and im a leader in my schools gsa but the thing is is that my parents i feel are phobic by the way they look down on people that are way differnt or crack jokes behind thr bak. my attitude at home as been affected by this and its getting to the breaking piont that im to much of a wus to tell them im scared that theyll kick me out or not talk to me etc. please lend me som advice i am so scared

Why does he seem to be explaining himself?

like this guy, but we broke up badly. I still have feelings for him, but I kinda keep my distance as I figure he probably has moved on. He is a very chatty, flirty kind of guy and lots of women like him. He makes a great friend too but I am very insecure so it didnt work out. Yesterday I saw him talking to this fab looking woman, but he seemed agitated when I came out & straight after walked towards me with his head down to say hello, when he could have avoided me. Today again I bump into him and this other younger woman & they were having an enthusiastic chat, but the minute he saw me he said hello loudly to me. Later I ped him and he said hello again but looked uncomfortabe again & went out of his way to tell me that he knew I couldnt join them because there was no space. (Where they were sitting has been filled up with rubbish bar one tiny spot). ~What I don't get is why he is acting like any of this has anything to do with me, like what he does is his business and we rarely talk and have very little to do with one another, even though we work together. In fact, he makes it his business most of the time to act like we were never friends even. Why the explainations?

Is a victim of ual abuse allowed to adopt?

I am a victim of ual abuse by my ex-stepbrothers by my fathers ex-marriage. I have been raised by my grandparents who were kind and generous and had little to no drama in my house except when I was older and my grandmother died of cancer. My grandfather continues to care for me to this day and I see him as my father. I love my mother but she just didn't want to be a mother and I never blamed her for that because I loved being with my grandparents. My father was abusive to my sister and my mom before I was born but he got treated b/c he was a drug addict and alcoholic but I never knew him until I was 7 when he reappeared in my life until I was 10. When I was about 8 my step brothers swarmed me and abused me while my sister watched and provoked them, and convinced me to allow them to abuse me for several months afterwards. My grandparents figured out my sister was a bad person and made her leave our home soon afterwards and I hardly speak to her. Finally I begged to not have to see my father again and I was granted that and we hardly speak. I couldn't bear to break my grandfathers heart telling him what happened, but I have received help from friends, professionals and my husband. I honestly don't even know if my father is my real father or if my sister is my half sister and have never cared to find out because I had my home with my grandparents and I didn't even know I had a "mom" and "dad" until I was 7. I always wanted to give a child the opportunity I was given by my grandparents and adopt but lately I've been told that if you were abused you become an abuser? I hated what happened to me and would want to do whatever it could to make sure no child in my life ever has to feel that pain. I collect books, watch parental tip shows and have been making lists of things I want to do for my children an everything for years now, and I feel heartbroken that the second most painful thing that ever happened to me(being abused and betrayed by my sister) might contribute to the most painful thing that ever happened to me-not being able to raise a family. Will I actually be prevented from adopting or have my biological children taken away even if it's obvious I've done nothing wrong because I am a victim?

What type of crochet items are popular at a craft fair?

I crochet objects (like animals, jewelry, hats, ect.) what would be the most popular thing to sell at a craft fair?

Question on naval officer application and the EOE.?

Does the navy need to reach a quota for officers for their ethnicity requirements in respects to the EOE/affirmative action?

Anyone heard of a Capita Jason Brown Snowboard?

I am looking at buying a 156 capita Jason brown snowboard but cannot find anything about it on the internet for specs and reviews of other people with it. Does anyone have this snowboard or know how good it is? how flexible? Is it good in the terrain park or more just downhill and powder board? Is this good board for someone around 130 lbs? (5 foot 8)

If a modern electron microscope (TEM) can resolve biological images to the nanometer level, as opposed to the?

The correct answer is C. The shorter the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation, the smaller the distances it can resolve.

Question about the book Dorian Gray?

Lord Henry is a formal name, just as Sir William is a formal name. Harry is the nickname for Henry, Billy is the nickname for William. So how he is addressed depends on who is addressing him. Servants would always say Lord Henry, but friends would call him Harry

How do I save my 9 year friendship?

so one night my friend slept over we both got drunk and I got super fcuked up on some drugs as well, not trying to use this as an excuse but I went on a site that had pictures of girls at a nude beach, some of the girls were underage. I showed it to my friend, at the time he said it looked hot and I gave him the address for later when he went home. mind you I was out of my mind very intoxicated. the next morning when i found my computer open to that site I got very confused and grossed out by myself I blocked the site from my computer and moved on. my friend hasnt talked to me in like 2 weeks, he finally responded today by saying we cant hang out anymore. (we have been friends for over 9 years) he said that what i showed him online (that site when i was gone) that it wasnt cool and made him sick. now he prolly thinks im some sort of pedifile and wont respond to me. I dont know what to do cause I under no cirstances have interests in young girls, on the contrary ive always been interested in older women and I know he knows that cause ive showed him pics of grandmas lol. but I'm worried hes now going to end our life long friendship over one mistake. what exactly can i do to prove him that this isnt me and was just something that happened when I was gone. I dont want to loose him, please help??

When are XM and Sirius going to merge (for real this time)?

The merger is held up by the SEC / FCC Since they represent 100% of the satellite market there is some concern about price fixing, etc. I still believe the merger will happen but it will be in a while.

Give my corn snake a bath?

I have a baby corn snake, and its shedding. They say to give it a warm bath, and I did. But now that I think about it, should I give it a bath in tap water? or distilled. Tap water is conveniant, but chlorinated. Will it be safe for my corn snake?

Is he worth it?adivce on this please?

Ok so, Im 16. Ive been kinda struggling with my uality for a while. But ive come to accept Im bi. Well I started chatting with this guy on YIM. I don't know why but I'm really into him and have been since we first started chatting. He was into me as well and he's kinda dominate but he wanted to make me his, to "own" me as to put it. But not like type stuff. We've gotten into a few fights over silly things which he started and I always found myself saying I was sorry even if I wasn't wrong. The last time I was practically begging him to forgive me. Well he was also coming near the city where I live to visit a friend and he was coming to visit me. Well now, he's said hes not going to visit me. I mean we still remain friends but he's come to the conclusion that I'm just a teen that would love anything that's "hump able". I don't thinks he's really into me anymore. But my interest in him has grown even stronger. Im so into, I'm ready to move to the country he lives be cont

Forgot My Pword Help?

It has something to do with brutal bran and I cant figure it out, What are the diffrent was that i could put it like BrutalBran,BranBrutal

What are your views on this report 'Brits And Irish The Worst Off In Europe'?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Need PPT on encryption techiniques please contact?

hello if anyone have PPT(it means slides in power point mode) on encryption algorithms please send me a copy

If creationism is true then why?

Then why do the last two drops go in the pants no matter how much you wiggle and dance? Seems like he forgot to install a proper shutoff valve.

Which tight end to start for week 14?

Zach Miller from Oakland against Jacksonville, or Dustin Killer from the Jets against Miami?I know that neither will score a ton of points, but my opponent is very good and I need to know which tight end u think will do better

What NFL teams do you think have the worst and best fans?

Well for the best fans i really think the Packers have the best fans because they really care for there packers. And im not really sure for the worst fans. But i was watching the Packers vs Falcons game in the playoffs and i like the 4th quarter all there fans just left so im thinkin the falcons dont really have good fans because they didnt even stay to support them even though they were loosing. So who do you think has the worst and best fans?

How long untill he contacts me?

so there is this guy that I have liked for a while now, and about 2 weeks ago a group of us went to c a movie then went back to his house and played video games, o.k well about a week later we came over and played video games again, he asked me if i wanted to spend the night and i did, we didn't do anything other than play video games, tickle eachother, and then we went to bed and snuggled. so the next day after work i came over and we hung out then i spent the night again, this time we made out, then went to sleep snuggling again through out the 3 days we talked ,joked around and played games. i stayed untill 4 pm on the third day, and its almost been 2 days and he hasen't contacted me or anything, I had to txt him so i could go get my phone charger, but i haven't txted him since, i heard the guy is supposed to contact you? he told his friend that he likes me, so how long should go by without him contacting me? and should i contact him after so long? or after how many days of no contact mean he doesn't like me?

Two weeks in Vietnam and Cambodia at end Nov/start Dec - where to go, and will it rain?

Never go is wrong the Rainy season has ended then but forget Ankor Wat it is under dispute with Thailand and can be dangerous to go there as it is not safe I live in thailand and from the UK and I am told this by the government and tourist agencies . Bangkok is a must many good places to visit just get the tourist brochure's at the hotel there are many temples and the floating market etc plus the royal palace but please look at the website of the THai consulate in Hull UK re visas as you do not need a visa for 30 days but if you fly in you must have a return ticked valid within 30 days you can not exit overland . You can trek through the jungle at Chiang Mai and even be a Mahout for the day and look after a elephant and take it to the river to bath it . As for the weather it will be about the same as the UK SUMMER but can get cold at night so summer clothes and a light coat and sweater come to asia and enjoy your self but do some Research on the net as no one can answer all you ask

Friday, August 12, 2011

Should I believe my brother?

He is retired Air Force, worked uncovering unsavory characters in the branch. He tells me that it ironic that Obama would be running because he could not p the security clearance requirements of the government due to his affiliations.

What colour is this dudes hair (Kurt Cobain PICTURE)?

a href=",r:5,s:38&biw=981&bih=661" rel="nofollow"…/a

A conversation I had several years ago?

oh WOW thats wacked ok yes some things like a picture of Jesus I can see a relation there to idols if we want to put the extremes because it relates to saints ....yet a horse collection since when would that be idols unless your worshiping and praying to them ,,,pictures ahm ok he was just extanding to the max hope he found someone on the same page as him and I wonder if he was so word for word on the bible and 10 commandants ???? You deserve to be happy and Jesus died on the cross for our sins .Wishing you love and lots of happiness you sound like a wonderful person.

Good choice of string to go with my racket?

if you go with Babolat hurricane u should mix it with another string, go horizontal hurricane and polyester or something else vertical, the hurricane string can be a pretty rough string n your elbow O_o at least it was mean to my elbow

What does my infant want??!!?

I am sick and tired of staying up with my newborn at all hours of the night. I understand that that comes with being a parent, but I thought that infants slept a lot. Mine certainly doesn't. We keep him up most of the day so he's tired at night, we change him, rock him, feed him, walk around with him, whatever we can think of but it doesn't do any bit of good. Its like he doesn't know what he wants. He wants his bottle for about 5 min then spits that out, then pacifier, then bottle, then neither, the wants to be put down, then held, rocked, walked around, bottle, etc. All in the course of 20 min. Its driving me insane. And then when he does fall asleep it lasts for about 2 min then he's wide awake. I don't get it. I'm always checking his temp and making sure he's comfortable. please help. I need to get some sleep!!

Is this some sort of scam or plot?

The person has horrible grammar, is too detailed, the name is so fake, and the whole " I'm new " thing is so false.

Gaining too much weight?

i was around 158 lbs when i got pregnant, i had horrible horrible all day sickness and lost about 10 lbs. i am now 23 weeks and just weighed myself out of curiousity and i weigh 164 lbs. is this too much to be gaining? when the books say you should gain 25 lbs is it 25 lbs from the beginning weight or from the lowest you get?

My dog is 1 year old and she doesn't love me no more help!!?

hiya i have a 1 year old lab cross collie i hand reared her from birth and have been just like a suragot mum to her for a year she sleeps with me we have snuggles every night lay on the sofa together and cuddle dog show you name it we do it together she was always at my side for a year but now all of a sudden she wont come near me when i call her she goes to my mum or my sister in law or who ever's in the room with me she wont come and give me cuddles no more if my mum is on the sofa she'll have a snuggle and then i get on the sofa and my dog gets off at night she opens my door to go and sleep with my mum its so upsetting for me because she is just like my little baby and i feel i've done something wrong why is she like this now??

Are there any atheists who don't believe in evolution?

Just wondering if there are any people out there who don't believe in God and don't believe in evolution. I know people who believe in God can believe or not believe in evolution, but I'm wondering about those who don't believe in God. Is evolution the only solution for you? I mean, if you don't believe in God or evolution, I'm interested to hear your theory as to the origins of man and the universe. If evolution was proven to be false (I don't want to debate about evolution or creationism, just consider the possibility that it was false) then would atheist start believing in God?

Reality TV, Is it just me who feels that the least deserving are in the final?

With the exception of Siavash, i don't think the others deserve to be in there. My ideal final housemates would have been Marcus instead of sneaky Charlie, Freddie instead of hot headed Rodrigo, Angel instead of the tart Sophie and maybe Tom instead of dunce David. Who would your ideal finalists be?

What is this house plant?

hard to see the foliage, looks like a kalanchoe. or a sedum, but if it was sold as a houseplant, most likely a kalanchoe. bright light, water only when mostly dry.

California Mormons: Aren't you relieved that election day is finally over!?

I'm glad its over, but I'm sad that the LDS church took the position it did, especially in allying itself with evangelicals (who hate us). I feel we were mistaken in this case.

Attention Aquarius,Plz! I need to know...(Anybody who are bored welcomed here)?

for the person who answered above me..that's right you are not an aquarius so u couldnt understand. you made that very clear. its not about being an aquarius, it's about people of the same sign understanding. but anyway i am an aquarius also and i use to feel the same way all the time. i understand how you feel. with me i just too k things one day at a time and did me. i didnt worry about no one else or their opinions. but maybe you could get some help, i mean talk to a professional. i think that would help. i am sorry that you feel this way and are going through these things. i know people say that it will be ok and there is nothing real behind what they say, but trust me when i say that it will.

Gross...Suede couch stain?

So we had a little bit of a party and one of the people here ped out our suede couch..and well this is where it gets a little gross..he pi$$ed on it, and now there is a ring where it has obviously been stained. How can I get the stain out? (Preferably with a house hold product) I used baking soda,lemon juice, and vinegar to clean my carpets. It worked Wonderfully.Would this hurt the couch?

Introducing New Fish -Rainbow / Dwarf Shrimp: Are they toxic to other fish species?

the problem might be that you have to many fish in the tank. if there are too many fish and the filter cant handle the ammonia then you might get ammonia poisoning. try testing for ammonia and nitrates and things like that. another explanation could be the betta died from stress because he was getting bullied

Problems With Parents?

I'm 18 years and i'm trying to move on with my life. My parents been fighting for years but recently it got really bad. So my mom told my dad not to tell people at his work anything about our family and my dad said he would not and so my mom kept telling him the same thing. So pretty soon my dad got annoyed and told her to shut up and then he went to his room and locked his door. Then the next morning my dad went to work and i noticed that my mom slept in longer the ussual. So i went and woke her up. She got up and stated her things she does in the day, but that night my dad asked her to go to a party thing for his work and she said yes and then my dad noticed she was acting weird, like someone would be if they were drunk. So i asked her whats wrong and she said nothing but then i noticed she took some pillls that were prescribed to her but anyways ny dad didnt go to the party because she was acting weird. So that night a storm came and the power went out and at like three a clock in the morning i saw blood in my moms room leading to are garage. So i went in there and she was on the phone and said wat happend to your are and she said nothing and they thats when i saw a little pocket knife. So i was like what the hell are you doing to yourself and she was acting weird still and so i said go to your ill help you. So i cleaned the cut and made her go to sleep, then when morning came i took my mom to the ER for stiches. My dad came home from we had a long talk with my and she said she was sorry and tomorrow would be a new day. After that my dad went to the store and i talked to my mom for awhile about all these problems she has but yeah i just dont know what to do...................I wna know how i can help my get over her problems? Its really making me streesed out.........PLEASE HELP I dont wnat her hurt I LOVE HER TO DEATH

Turkey thawing: cold water method and the fridge?

I have a 20lb turkey. I was a little behind in taking the turkey out of the freezer and putting it in the fridge(did this Monday). should I use the cold water method for a few hours then stick it back in the fridge to speed up the process?

My soon-to-be ex-wife keeps making false child abuse charges and will not stop. What can I do?

I go along with the post of "Poopypus" in getting a camera with time & dates on it while you are with the children. Let it run the whole time you are with them so you do have the proof you need that can be plainly seen. What a total shame she is doing this to you, BUT worse yet, the things she's "teaching" your children to do against their own father who loves them & just wants to spend time with them. This is one SAD story to say the least, & I'm SO SORRY for ALL you're having to put up with. Just KNOW that in the end, right DOES prevail & she WILL get caught up in all these lies she's telling,. You should NOT have to go thru what you're going thru just to see your own children. This is honestly SAD & my heart goes out to you for ALL you're having to put up with. Justice WILL prevail & she WILL get what's coming to her one of these days. Just ashame of ALL you have to go thru in the meantime. How can someone be filled with so much hate & vindictiveness against someone they once were suppose to love! I wish ALL good things for you, & trust everything turns out rite & ALL in your favor...the best to you...:)

How to clean a vintage feather quilt?

I have a beautiful vintage feather dates from around 1930 and is stunning but smells's not dirty as such but the thought of all those ancient feathers is a bit can I clean it? I once put a feather quilt through the washing machine and all the feathers clumped toghether and it never dried....what can I do?

Any information on Julius Caesar?

Can someone give me information on all the good accomplishments Caesar did, and opposing information to all the bad things he did? I've looked everywhere and can't find any direct information on this. Thank you in advance[:

How do I overcome addiction?

I have been severly addicted to for the past several years and frankly it has ruined my life. It started when I got my own apartment and got a fast internet setup. I started with just pics, looking and masturbating for a few hours, & then for several hours. In college when I was 19 I sat in my dorm and masturbated to net for 10 hours straight one time when my roommate was out all night. I have developed es and I'm so addicted that I haven't been able to go more than 2 wks w/out masturbating to in the past 5 years! Now, it's so intense and worse that when I think of naked women/ I start to get a brain haze that makes my head ache - not in an "I need Tylenol" way but in an "I am so weak" way and can't think straight. Please, I need some advice. I don't even approach women anymore and I act funy around people, lost job, lost all friends, and I'm suicidal. I need to quit but it's the most difficult thing I have ever tried to resolve. I need help someone! Seriously.

Individuals having a collective ideology are fearful of having their own opinion?

No matter the collective ideology communism, socialism, fascism, nazism, nationalism, theocracy, and even partisanship.

Best WWE Divas/TNA Knockout Tournament Round FIve (Eliminate 2)?

So it looks like the finals is here. Anyway eliminate Melina and Velvet Sky. Mickie James is thicker in her waist area than the other two.

Marital paradox, privacy vs. trust?

Make unlocking his phone a condition of you staying together. In the relationship I was in in which an infidelity occurred, leaving his email logged in and not bitching when I checked it was a condition of me staying.

How do I install a bathtub drain over a floor joist.?

I am remodeling the bathroom and the drain for the new bathtub sits right over a floor joist. How do I go about getting the pipe in the proper position? The bathroom is fairly small (7'x8'), so we really do not have any option to move the tub. The joists are 2"x10". Is it ok to remove some of the top of the joist if the bottom 2/3rds is reinforced withplywood or like material? Any suggestions??

1996 Dodge Caravan Radio problems?

I have a 96 dodge caravan, and one day the radio stopped working. The clock also no longer illuminates, so my initial thought was that a fuse had popped. When I went to replace the fuse, i found that there was no reciever in the fuse spot for the radio. I am at a loss for what to do now.

Where can I find clothes like this?,r:2,s:0 That is the link. This is the kind of stuff I like. Please help. I don't know what store to go to, to find clothes like this.

Good private schools in NYS?

go to a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and go down once and Click on 'private school' it is on the left side

Hypothetical question: designer dogs?

No responsible breeder would do that. They are not Hybrids just a mutt and responsible breeders would know that there is no way to guarantee that the mutts would have any characteristic that would breed true. The only breeders of theses so called "designer" dogs are BYB end of story.

What daily makeup look can I create with these products?

it really takes some experimenting on your part, such as taking neutral colors together to create a natural defined look, or leave the eyes light and make bold lips, options are endless, i usually google makeup ideas then experiment with them.

Someone PLEASEEEE help me with this pleaseeeee!?

this guy told me i like him and i told him i like him (Mark) back too and were planning on going out on our first date tomorrow. but then this girl (Cindy) that both of us knows just recently broke up with her boyfriend and started venting to Mark. I dont actually remember how she brought it up but she said shes starting to like Mark and keeps talking to me about him everday, but she doesnt know that i like him and him likes me back and our flirting on fb makes it seem pretty obvious xD. i sort of want to tell her but me and mark arent officially going out yet so how am i supposed to cope with this? oh yeah Cindy is a really nice person but i dont know im getting a feeling that shes crushing on Mark inorder to forget about her ex. so what how am i supposed to react to this and stop her from talking about him to me everyday?

Doesn't Venzuela's Hugo Chavez know we LAUGH at Spiccoli?

Sean Penn doesn't even represent his wife, much less the audiences of his movies.. or anyone in the USA. While of course, the friend of our 'enemy' in this overblown S. American dictator... is the USA's enemy. Penn's an out of work actor, that's shown he needs a script in his own life - otherwise, he's clueless (obviously) and doesn't mind being used as a propaganda TOOL (as long as the trip's free).

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Who likes Keke Palmer?

um... well kekepalmer iz one of my biggest fans, and other people dont agree with me so i would like ur opinion on it.

Injury and Treatment Physical Education Please help!?

Profuse sweating or perspiration could be an irritating and embaring thing. Stopping this permanently is within your grasp and you only have to act to materialise it.

OMG... Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) Dead, Stabbed in London!!!!?

You think you are funny huh? Don't you have anything better to do than post that Daniel Radcliffe is dead and write a fake article? Sheesh!

I have the Diaper Genie II and I'm finding that the refill prices are just killing me.?

I use the Diaper Genie II also but the refills are pretty cheap in target. I also recently started to only put poopy diapers in there. I put the pee pee diapers in the regular garbage since they don't smell and it saves a bit on having to buy too many refills.

Im moving to Singapore with my Thai Girlfreind...will it be easy for her to get a job!!?

Im a bit stressed about it.......she has a business degree from Bangkok university and she worked for the thai bank just doing currency exchange for the past 2 years! her english is good but not perfect. She doesnt have a work visa/ Can anybody recommend possible jobs for her!..even college courses in singapore!..THANK U

I'm having confusion about my friends and whom i actually like....?

Okay so my ex and i are now still like best friends. We've be like this for a few months. so my ex has found out that they were straight now. and i'm gay, so then like i CONSTANTLY can't get them off my mind. Even though i know, i don't like my ex like that anymore, it's just so hard from what they said from realizing they were straight. I can't tell if i like them or not, like wth, it's driving me insane. And I know they aren't even that good of a person when i'm around them now. So if you like somebody you're usually like "oh, they are amazing" and stuff. Anyways, I like this other person, but i don't like them A LOT, but i do like them more than a friend. That person that i like, when i'm with them, i feel like kissing them or huging them or something, it's like amazing and hard at the same time. But what i SERIOUSLY don't get, is that I STILL think about my ex when i'm with the person i like. like wth, i don't get it. ................Also, Iast night I had a dream that i made out with this person that's hella pretty in my school and then some 2 people saw us and you know in the dream we were like "EWWW"afterwards because it was a horrible kiss. i don't know what this is supposed to mean, please help.

Chris Jericho New World Heavyweight Championhip Number One Contender?

I think there should b atriple threat matc because it asn't fair that y2j pushed jbl tha fell on Punk and won 1 second left!!!!!

Christians in Orissa are going through the worst?

Today in India Hindu, Muslim, Christians, Sikhs etc; and Bihari Bangali,Punjabi, Tamil, Telegu, Marathi etc. are abundantly available but Indians are rarely visiable even though our literacy rate is considerably high. Most of the Indians belongs to some cast, religion or groups frist, then they are human being and nationalisam come last.Persons of one religious group kill/har other religious group since they do not understand niether thier own religion nor others'. Political parties, for thier personal benefits encash this situation, think the human beings as cattle. They do the movements using others' sons and lands not thier owns'. What is the contribution of any political party for well being of human being? Education, literacy are incopmlite if we do not learn to respect and love each other. Therefore let us start a movement based on the Santa KABIR's theory "Pothi parhi parhi jag ma hua na pandit koy dhai akhar PREM ka parhe so pandit hoy"

How can I get out of this and I'm really screwed?

i personally think you're over reacting, i know it probalby seems a little scary, but middle school girls are known for being bitches and making threats they aren't going to carry out. they probably can't do anything anyway.

Do you think this is ok?

If you don't use any elements like JK I think you'll be a very good author. I myself am writing a story so good luck with urs!

Why do deleted items keep reappearing in my mailbox?

why do items in my mailbox previously deleted by me keep reappearing on the list? what do I do about this?

Stylish navy shoes for men?

Hi, I am looking for suggestion on what kind of shoes I can get that are navy. I want a pair of shoes that is navy and white ONLY and that is stylish. The brands I prefer are Nike, Jordans, Adidas, Pumas, and Reebok. They have to be mens shoes too. Thank you

Do the Detroit Lions kind of remind you of the bush administration?

Your umption of Bush as 0-8 is incorrect in my opinion. He gave us tax cuts which did stimulate the economy in 2003. We have been safe from terrorist attacks since 9/11/01, and no president in history did more for AIDS research and Africa than Bush. He also appointed more minorities than any president in history. You must look at the national news every night which has always been anti-Bush and slanted toward the Democrats with false and incomplete coverage. The Lions were inept, but when Atlanta played them they were better than Kansas City and Oakland which did get some wins by playing in a weak division. They were 0-16, but I would give the Bush administration and 8-8 record; not stellar but not 0-16. Only the Lions can claim that. You need to read the truth about Bush rather than believing what you hear from ignorant people who don't know a damn thing about him; they just criticize.

Pmt, depression and menopause?

Menopause like childbirth can be a really rough time. Peri-menopause is what kicked off bipolar in earnest for me. It came way to early so no kids. If you have not seen a psychiatrist who specializes in mood disorders, see one. Prozac is one of the mildest antidepressants and there are A LOT of other options. Although therapy may sound like paying someone to listen to your problems, it is a lot more than that. Find a therapist you connect with and one who is experienced. It will make a difference over time. As for over the counter stuff, try Omega3 fatty acid fish pills. What you want is 2000-3000 mg of the EPA ingredient. There is some science behind it which is why my psychiatrist recommended it to me (I can't take ADs so I go with what I can get). It works for some, not for others. You should notice a mild difference in a week or so if it does work for you. Seriously, though, find a good mood disorder psychiatrist. That will make the biggest difference.

Is Santa Claus real or not?

i ask my friends what did they get for Christmas and they tell me what they got. but then, this is so weird. i then ask some of my closet friends if Santa Claus is real. some say yes and some say no. which one is true? i keep thinking he is and he is not! it's so weird. i'm thinking for now on that it's just some sort of fantasy or legend. please tell me is Santa is real!

Is there a proposal in the Congress, to set aside a Month for White History in America?

Maybe a White History Day. All of the Founding Fathers were White Celtic and Nordic. Since Caucasians are native to the Caucasus Mountain Regions of Southern Russian Republics and Northern Iran. Also all of the Great War Hero's like Patton, Mac Arthur, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, George Custer and George Washington were Celtic/Nordic. Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein along with Henry Ford and Captain Kangaroo, Hugh Hefner, Sarah Palin, Joe Arpaio, Peter North, Gretta Garbo, Prince Albert, Kurt Cobain, Doc Holiday, Pamela Anderson and Billy the Kidd. Well, at least every one can agree, that White Celtic/Nordics types, do like Guns and ...and lot's of it.

What do you recommend I put on my nails so that they can grow??


Which conquistador conquered the aztec at tenochtitlan?

On November 8, 1519, Cortez reached Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City) and was graciously received by Montezuma, the Aztec emperor. Soon after Cortez established headquarters in the capital, he learned that the Aztecs had plundered Veracruz. He seized Montezuma and forced him to surrender the attackers. Then he had them executed.

May I Interview an Official who studies / can help me with my H1N1 Essay / Swine Flu Project?

Ask your dr. i do not know why your dr would refuse to help you. What do you need to know about the H1N1 virus. maybe I can help you.

Someone make me a cute outfit for ?

I love seeing how people put things together, things I would never think of! I'm on the East Coast, so something warm please :) Complete with accessories would be fab. I'm a bigger girl and I realized I could dress even better.

Differences between the electoral processes of central government and local government?

I would just like to know what the differences are of the electoral processed of the two governments (local and central) Thanks.

Baby registry (easy)?

My mom wants me to get a basic registry put together so she can budget to get the baby some things. She wants to know what kinds of furniture I want, ect. That being said, should I start my registry now, or wait until I actually conceive, and just tell her what I have in mind, rather than starting a registry? Also, my fiancee wants to throw the baby shower for me, he knows what I like best. And he's very excited to be a father, but from what I've read/heard/and have learned over the years. It is considered socially improper to hold your own shower. How do I tell him that kindly?

Why the hypocrisy when it comes to men/women in relationships?

Because societally we still are still taught to believe that women do not enjoy as much as men and therefore if they are promiscuous they are frowned upon for being different to what women are 'supposed' to be like. Basically its because we live in a male dominated society where men feel threatened if a woman starts behaving in a way seen to be 'masculine'. I'm a guy though and I don't see it as a threat or bad if a woman is promiscuous in fact I think its good as they are usually more ually active, nor do I think it's a threat to my masculinity if women behave in the way I do as a male, because people are people and a / shouldn't determine WHO you are only WHAT you are. In other words I don't feel insecure about my masculinity being threatened. The same goes for women dating younger guys, it shows they have power as they are able to get men younger than they are in the same way older men can get women younger than them.

Republicans trying to redefine ?

H.R. 3 defines that only women who were "forcibly d" could receive funding for abortions if they were impregnated. This discludes things like date and forced coercion (through blackmail, etc.) It also only says victims of who are MINORS would qualify, so adults would not. Likewise, neither would victims of statutory that AREN'T clified as .

How much leeway would I get with colleges?

I have a 2.9 gpa and I go to a Jesuit high school. My high school is very well known and liked by colleges. I play baseball, football, and track and field. I am Hispanic American and I am a part of tge community service club at school. How much leeway is possible for me to get gpa wise. Ex: I have a 2.9, let's say for USF a 3.5 is the average gpa accepted. Would I be able to get like a .5 of that taken off? I also did very well on my PSAT which is a goodnsign of how I'll do on the SAT's. If I do well on the ACT and SAT, could I get into florida state?

Help writing a closing argument for defense in a mock trial?

Closing argument need not summarize the facts, but should state that which is to be shown, point out the burden of the prosecution which has failed, point out a few specific facts that justify your defense, and state the over-riding policy and philosophical objectives met by the defendant, even if there may be some "technical" violation of a specific law.

I just had for the first time and freaked out!!! What happened or what is she?

So I am 15 and just had for the first time and everything was going great until I head a viberation on my with a farting sound. I freaked out and her eyes got huge and everything went in slow motion and I ran out of the room and went home. I feel tramatized right now and dont know what to think! She is probably pissed and I dont know if I could look at her to tell her im sorry for whatever that was. I thought you only fart out your ... Please no one make fun of me because I dont know what happened thats why im asking...

What would be impact of Lankan players leaving IPL4 early for training camp for the English tour acks Moorthy?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Ongoing issue with lights?

98 plymouth grand voyager, lights(low or high beams,parking lights) not coming on.Neither are the dashboard illumination lights.I was told it could be a bad BCM(Body Control Module)But what puzzles me is that when i remotely start my van, the parking lights come on, front and back.

The sound of musicc (1965) helpp pleeasee.?

The Sound of Music is a great movie, but there are so many details, I couldn't tell you them all. So, here's a link to Wikipedia, and when you read that page, you can use their links on the cast and branch off wherever you need to. I recommend that in some point of your life you watch it, because it's worth your time. Good luck.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to trot without stirrups on a horse, and not bounce around?

I trotted a small jump today and cantered out. I just noticed that i am TERRIBLE at doing work with no stirrups. Is there any way to get my thighs stronger so its easier, less painfull, and not embarressing?

I need help with ollies?

everyone thinks its weird that i know how to do a pop shuv it (i learned it first) but not a ollie.i can almost do a heel flip too but still no ollie

Math problem ... for sale is 124 4" squares of fabric - how many yards does that make it?

As in .... I want to make a blanket out of the squares if its enough, a rag quilt. I want the blanket to fit a double bed, I need approx 70" square blanket. (bit less width wise is ok). Will this work, how many yards does this come out to be? I need 5 yrds for each side of blanket 10 yrds all together

Do I have Enough PC Security?

First of all if using the free version of Malwarebytes, it's just a scanner so it won't cause any problems. The same goes for Super AntiSpyware. You should get rid of Spyware blaster and Hitman pro. Wot is a addon for your browser, and its a good idea. Next to your main antivirus program Secunia is a must have, so many users don't have a tool to check for security holes and all most half of the computers are infected because the user hasn't updated Java, their browser, Adobe flash. Secunia is a very important part of protection.

Cheapest place to get a refill of Propane gas for my tank?

I recently ran out of Propane gas, and when I called Amerigas to get a refill they said it would cost 330$. It's odd becuase I purchased gas for my tank last year and it only cost 73$ to refill my 120 lb. tank.

Saftey tips for Co-sleeping?

I was wondering some saftey tips on co-sleeping with a newborn? I don't use a snuggle nest or anything, he hates those. I was wondering if there are some other tips out there I should be aware of, I am a first time mom so please be nice.... :D I only put him in the bed with me for a 3 hour nap during the day. He is 3 weeks old. Thanks.

Regular gas fireplace maintenance?

I have a Superior DS-36R gas fireplace in the house we just rented a few weeks ago; don't know the age or installation date. The blower (uming there's one in there) never comes on and the gl front is clouded. Can anyone point me to a website/mfr with a users manual or share from experience? I would like to take the gl off to clean as well as troubleshooting the fan.

Monarchy or republic......................…

which do you prefer or which is more stable specially for Egypt, if you compare Egypt in monarchy age and now you'll find that in monarchy Egypt was more powerful and much better political,economical, even in industry.

Why do Republicans think Americans were ignorant of Obama's health plan when they overwhelmingly elected him?

The media decided who Americans would vote for. The 'preferred candidates' got more airtime. The others were ignored or trashed. Our public opinion was lost long ago.

Smashbox lovers please help!?

It's a good primer. It's not my favorite but it does leave you skin very smooth and makes you makeup application easier (:

Make up for yr 12 graduation ball?

i would suggest using mac liquid eyeliner in black and do a thin line close to the lashes starting from the inside and making the line slightly thicker as you get closer to the outside of your eye, then winge it a tiny bit. you don't want to use eyeshadow that is the same colour as your dress. start with a shade fairly even with your skin tone as a base and use a highlighter just under the outside half of your eyebrows. then use a mac "tempting" and use an angled brush, make a line just above the black eyeliner and then use a regular eye brush and fill in your lid up to the crease. them blend it on the outside half of your eye above the crease moving up towards the brow, this gives your brows a "lift" and will make your eyes look more dramatic without overdoing it. then use an eye pencil, black, and line the lower lash line, starting on the outside edge moving about half way inward. make ir a tad bit darker on the out side corner and smudge it a little bit from the outside in. make sure that you don't smudge it down words or it will look like you have bags under your eyes. then use macs zoom lash mascara and do the top lashes fairly heavy and the bottom lashes (angle the wand slanted down towards your nose so that it gets the outside lashes a little more than the inside lashes. then use light pink blush and a nice lip colour that isn't too bold.

How do I go about spreading the word properly about a terrible wedding vendor?

uming your lawyer thinks it's a good idea for you to be putting your story out there before you file any formal complaints, try Angie's List. They're considered a reliable source for weeding out good vendors from bad ones, and they've got a whole section for weddings. You could also post to complaint sections on wedding forums, or write to any wedding publications that carry ads for her, or try and get your local paper interested in an expose. It depends how much effort you're willing to put into it.

How do you know how big to make socks?

I'm crocheting a pair of socks for my host mother for Christmas. Her size is 41 (European, about 26 cm) but the socks are only about 21 or 22 cm. Is this too much of a difference? They are a little bit stretchy but not very...

What literary device is "flying on the wings of anticipation"?

It's a metaphor because it is comparing anticipation to something that can fly. If "like" or "as" were used it would be a simile.

An atheist's question about Christmas?

I have never had a Christmas tree before. My parents were JW's so I didn't have one when I was a kid. I have seen them in stores, but I never put one together before. What in the heck are they supposed to look like? I don't have all the packages under there like at the department store. I don't have all those round shiny things either. I just have a tree and some lights. Now what? I put some candy canes on there, but it looks kind of like, I don't know, it just well, it's white for one thing, and all the lights are blue. Okay? I confess, I don't know how to do something. How do I make this look good? Also, believe it or not, my very Catholic wife put out a nativity scene with the figures that are about five inches tall right next to my Hot Wheels. Dangit, you don't think the baby Jesus will go for a spin in my 1970 green and white Plymouth Roadrunner, do you? I don't get this Christmas display stuff. Explain it to me. Please?

How do i keep it protected?

went to a comic book signing for claudio sanchez and i asked him to sign my ipod case and i want to still use it but i dont want to ruin the signiature. how can i protect it? its a black canvas cover and he signed it with a silver sharpie. pllleeeeaaas help me!

Should i do this trade?

I would have to say no. You would be giving up possibly the best pitcher in the game and a very versatile hitter who is in his prime and coming off of a break-out season. In return you are getting two hot, but unproven starters and a nelson cruz who has the ability to be great but has yet to capitalize in both hr and avg in the same year. The biggest problem I have with this trade is not as much with cruz and zobrist, but Lince, a 1st rounder, for 2 post-15th round pitchers. Keep lince, only unless you get Roy Halladay, and think of trading some of your other pitchers instead. Hope I could help.

How do I stop myself from farting?

Wedge a cork firm in between your cheeks. This will prevent any kind of farting. Make sure you unplug it at the end of the day or else your body might explode.

What happened to my skills?

Ok so I used to be pretty decent at skating. I mean I wasn't great but I could do some basic tricks, kickflips, heelflips, a lot of manual tricks, I could do several different grinds and whatnot. Anyway when I was 15 I was starting to learn how to vert skate (mainly practicing 180's and 360's) and was attempting a 360 ( I had already done two that day I felt pretty confident) I bailed and landed hard on my right leg shattering it. I was scared after that to get back on a skateboard but now almost a decade later I'm trying to pick it back up and I'm having a hard time. I can't even ollie anymore. I mean I'm not just rusty, it's like I've never skated before. What happened to my skills?

How much cash can I get for my 71 Maverick?

My granpa had a 71 Maverick in his barn. Well he's gone now so now it's mine. It has 30k Original miles stright 6 cly. For being 40 years old it has little rust, I mean it has rust but mot much. I put some gas in it & started right up. What do you think it's worth & where do I sell it? Thanks

Which pitcher should I take?

I would definitely take Roy Halladay, if you can afford it. He will get more wins and innings pitched than any other pitcher in baseball.

Baby name suggestions?

Emilia Violet is a good name for a girl. So is Imogen Victoria. Those are just a couple of name combinations that I particularly like.

Spanish Translation?

En 2005, cerca de 7,6 millones de personas experimentado el desempleo en los Estados Unidos, seg�n la Oficina de Estad�sticas Laborales en el empleo y los ingresos. Alrededor de una cuarta parte de todos los trabajadores desempleados han perdido sus puestos de trabajo permanente. De los que hab�an perdido sus puestos de trabajo permanente en el a�o 2005, m�s de dos de cada cinco en paro quince semanas o m�s. Desde otro punto de vista, las tasas de desempleo entre las distintas minor�as �tnicas tienden a ser m�s altas, de 4 posibles razones: las competencias ling��sticas, la educaci�n, la discriminaci�n, y los factores geogr�ficos. Habla en el idioma Ingl�s es una alta prioridad en Am�rica y los de Ingl�s como segundo idioma est�n en desventaja. Minor�as parecen tener un bajo �ndice de educaci�n, sin embargo, China e India, los estudiantes a menudo sobrepasan los estudiantes blancos. La discriminaci�n racial es ilegal, pero es dif�cil de aplicar. Las minor�as �tnicas suelen vivir en determinadas zonas del pa�s y en partes de las ciudades.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


When girl's start puberty, their period's can be irregular. You may want to ask your general practitioner next time you see him/her.

Help with ins Creed 2 mission?

Listen to what he says that should give you a clue. I think your at the part when you start to go to venis

I can't tell if my uggs are fake! help?

i got uggs for christmas and i think they are fake. i looked at my friends which were the same size and color and they looked different. they were about an 1.5 inches shorter, they had i little different color, but still an ugg sign on the back but thats a different color too. and a bunch of other things are different too! i just dont think mine are the real ones. which site is the most reliable to get real one, and which arent??? how is the best ways to tell that they are different?

Which girl should i choose?

ok im in 7th grade im 13 and there r two girls im not sure which one to choose. first girl is named carolyn. i just met her this year shes rly pretty and popular (im semi popular) and we dont kno each other that well. she knows i like her and some1 told her i was gonna ask her out (well he posted it on facebook). weve talked a few times and shes in 2 of my cles my friend lives next door to her i see her there sometimes. she used to avoid me but now stares at me in cl not sure wat this means. i hear she is very nice to people 2nd girl is named brit. brit and i r good friends and she likes me. she told me and i told her i liked her last year. shes not as pretty as carolyn but still good looking and shes nice too. ive known her for a year and i have her number. shes not rly popular though and we dont have much in common. shes also in 2 of my cles and shes very shy but we text alot. she knows how i feel about carolyn and she understanda that alot of guys like her so shes not jealous or anything. im not sure which one to choose please help. ill answer yours. thanks in advance

Old Dog Afraid of New Puppy?

it takes time. the old dog is nervous and needs to just let the other one become part of the household.

Do you think Chris Jericho will get a farewell on RAW?

So because last night was his last scheduled appearance with WWE as of now, do you think Jericho is going to come back to RAW for one last time and bid farewell?

Do I sit Willie Parker for week 14?

Absolutely sit Willie Parker. That is a definite. As for your flex, I might consider Andre Johnson a more viable option. Other than that it already looks like you will have a very strong week. Best of luck!

What is the most "mest up" film you have ever seen?

When I mean messed up i'm talking about beyond reality film, or gory films, mind f****d films, Horror Films. Whatever you got shout em out.

Why there are no tennis courts in Dubai big parks such as Mamzaar Park, Mushriff Park, Zabeel Parks, etc?

We have been trying to find a free tennis courts in dubai public parks but we only find one - Satwa Park which is overcrowded with players specially at night (bec. its a single court). But we wonder how come that they did not build tennis courts in their big parks such as Mamzaar, Mushriff, Zabeel, Jumeirah Beach, Al Qusais, Al Quoz, Rahsidiya, etc. etc. where there are lots of vacant spaces. We only see empty football & cricket grounds. I really wonder why?

Colts/pats game (pats are VERY overrated)?

The colts all the way because in the nfl you have to play defense and offense and the pats only have the great O!!! Defense:none at all

PLLEEEEASE HEEELLPP !!! American History; reading and questions?!?

the countries in asia would look for power and if a country overtook asia in would have a lot power and could take over countries and so on.

Has anyone tried taking proteins for better results in bodybuilding?

My question is: i bought proteins as a dietary supplement- to build bigger muscules in the upper body, but i also want to lose some weight from my stomack and legs. isn`t this contradictory. Should i eat more or less now?

Where can I find Betty and Veronica sellers for a cheap price?

I don't want any "special antique copies" or anything, I just want to know some stores that sell Betty and Veronica comic books, (preferably new) whether they're new or some of the very first old ones. Please help! :) thanks

Serious Question for Catholics about the Holy Trinity:?

Question for Catholics about the Holy Trinity: Is Jesus currently present here on earth, or only the Holy Spirit? It makes sense to me to think of it at Jesus the man died, and then was resurrected and ascended to heaven to take his place next to the Father, and the Holy Spirit is our current "connection" to God, but we speak to Him in Jesus' name. But Jesus himself (the man) is not presently with us except through the Holy Spirit. Is this accurate Catholic teaching?

Blackberry Curve?

I have a blackjack (not the blackjack II)....and i was wondering if anyone thought it was a good idea to upgrade to a Blackberry Curve. Are they good phones? Do you think they are better than the blackjacks?

Boring chants for an awesome match?

During the Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian match there were boring chants, what the hell is wrong with the WWE fans of today? That's just ridiculous.

For Computer Buyers ... What this mean ?

Fast speed 2.8 GHZ. Temp storage of 1MB - caches. But to be honest it does not really matter. Every week they improve a bit more so if you want something a bit better wait till Christmas

Christians, Can a god be deficient in knowledge or learn by sufferings?

I would answer this but its pointless, listen the Bible explains all of this, read it for yourself, stop copying and pasting, the iternet is not all knowing,

Why do some believe that they are christians simply for their belief, without taking account for their actions?

The Bible also mentions FAITH without WORKS is you are right there has to be an action to believing in God and his son ....1 Peter 2:21....Hebrews 11 ...also speaks about those who really had faith....Romans 15:4 ....these scriptures were written for our benefit

How do i get my mom to let me shave my legs?

i'm 13, and ALL of my friends shave their legs, so naturally, i feel embarred when they ask me about it. my dad is totally fine with me shaving, its just my mom who isn't. my mom is from slovakia, and when she was growing up, slovakia was under communist rule, and there were frequent shortages. so she never grew up with the luxury of being able to shave, etc. she also stubbornly believes that it is an unneeded necessity that just tries to undermine the female figure as a beauty icon. how do i convince my stubborn mother to let me shave? is there anyone out there who has gone through sort of the same thing? please help, i don't want to go through my whole teenage career making up excuses why i don't shave!

Place your votes here: Mickie James or Gail Kim?

Michelle McCool is better then both but if i had to pick i'd say Gail Kim because Gail is the better wrestler where as even though Mickie is good it is mostly popularity

Major events in time from 1896-1940?

im doing a project on F. Scott Fitzgerald and how the time period affected his writing, and i just wanted to know some major events that happened during the time period that he was living in. Also things in time that helped influence the way he wrote his novels.

How do i wax and s off wax on a snowboard PLEAZE HELP ME!!!?

okay so i just bought a snowboard off my friend and he said it needs waxed and i have nooo clue what that means or if i ride it with the wax on the board or if i sc it off please help me i have no idea what im doing

No spark please hep?

i have a 125 4 strock quad the trouble is that i cant get a spark the quad was rining fine but cut out since then it wont start iv checked this with a elictric tester but i have a constant reading ming out of the sepreeser cap even when i no cranking it ove any help will do ps i have also changed the cdi

Freelance marketing istant -stuck in the middle...?

I am a freelance marketing coordinator for realtors. I work for a local company and I istant agents too. I create flyers, brochures, postcards, presentations, business cards, enhance photos, do ad layouts, upload photos to website and do other web updates. My question is I feel I've hit a brick wall. I am not a graphic designer and I'm not interested in going to school for that necessarily. I work on Office '07 - Publisher, Powerpointe, outlook etc. and enjoy it but I would like to make more $ and offer more services but I'm really not sure what else I can do.

When a firm’s marginal revenue product equals the wage rate, marginal revenue also equals marginal cost. Why?

when a firm wants to maximaze his profit , marginal revenue must be equal to marginal cost and in a perfect competion famework wage rate is equal to marginal cost so wage rate = marginal revenue.

Which breed is my dog?( PICS )?

looks like al ab mix i honestly see zero pit in him at all from the front but in the profile it look ore like a pit (from the side) i dunno could be anything but doesn't seem to have a pit face or body.

Who else takes meds or suffers from lightweight anxiety or depression ?

It seems like more and more people these days are suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. I have had them since I was 12 years old and have been taking Paxil CR for about 7 years now. I tried to deal with my anxiety without taking any meds, but it eventually got to be too much for my and my stubborn *** had to give in. My Dad just recently got on Xanax for his anxiety and depression. Do they seem to be working for you?

A comedian who sings hilarious songs, guy plays guitar, giant monkey in background on comedy central?

Its not Stephen Lynch, but another singing comedian, his partner plays the guitar and this guy only sings. It played on comedy central, there was a giant monkey sitting indian style behind them. Who is this?

How does your Ford F-150 manage in snow & other harsh conditions?

Ever have problems with slipping, sliding, getting stuck? They seem to be able to manage in snow. But I imagine stoping that much weight could cause skidding or sliding on ice.

TRUE or FALSE: The western image of Santa Claus was created by Coke to take the place of milk and cookies ...?

it's not everyone that can take a 5c cup of syrup, mix it with 2c worth of water and sell it for $2, they have to do something with their profits

Robert pattionson accent?

MMM...I'm like you, I think they are both y. In a way, I think the British accent is smoother and more natural, but honestly, his American accent sound very natural too. And his American accent is very clear and rich, so I say American.

I know he'll never treat me right so why do i stay with him?

My advice is dump him and mourn the loss of the relationship. Then keep yourself busy and steer clear of relationships for a while. Do not have any contact with him and eventually you will meet someone else